up:: Affine Space

Let be an affine space, and let be a fixed point (which will play the role of the origin). For all , write as the vector separating and .

Then the function

is a Bijection1, with inverse

Using these operators, one can create the Vector Space operations on as

Thus, can be seen as a vector space, with the fixed point acting as its origin.

When seeing the affine space as a vector space, An affine space with a fixed point is isomorphic to its underlying vector space2, since to each point in there is only one ─ thus, being trivially isomorphic to the entire vector space .



  1. It is Surjective due to the space’s Group Action being Transitive, and Injective due to the action being Free ─ i.e. due to the group action being Regular.

  2. This is true if the entire vector space spans the affine space, which we pressupose due to the group action’s domain covering the entirety of , as well as the regularity of the action (that is, there are no “lazy vectors” allowed; all vectors “induce movement” upon the space).