up:: Topological Space
“For many mathematicians, the Hausdorff property is like having power in your apartment. Of course, you can build a space without it, but you kind of assume that it will be there. Doing topology without the Hausdorff property feels like stumbling around in the dark.” (Evelyn Lamb)
A topological space is called a Hausdorff space if, for any points , there exist open sets such that 1.
An easy result is that All metric spaces are Hausdorff spaces.
Examples of non-Hausdorff spaces
- The line with two origins is a non-trivial example of a non-Hausdorff space: both origins aren’t separable by open sets, since they will always have some intersection elsewhere
- A Few of My Favorite Spaces: The Line with 2 Origins - Scientific American Blog Network
- Notas para um Curso de Física-Matemática, João Carlos Alves Barata. Cap. 30: Continuidade e Convergência em Espaços
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