up:: Affine Isomorphism
Transclude of Affine-Map.excalidraw
Let and be Affine Spaces1. Let be an Affine Isomorphism with underlying linear map .
Affine map is bijective Underlying map is isomorphism
Let be an affine isomorphism (Affine Map which is a Bijection). Then, for any , we have
Since has an inverse, we have that
Since the inverse is also an affine map, we have that
where is the underlying linear map associated to .
However, note that, since an affine space is determined by a Regular Group Action, then there is one and only one vector connecting and , which is . Thus,
And, thus, the underlying linear map of an affine isomorphism is a Vector Space Isomorphism.
Affine map is not bijective Underlying map is not an isomorphism
Let not be an affine isomorphism; then it is not Injective or it’s not Surjective (or neither).
Suppose is not injective. Then there are , in which case but . Thus, is not an isomorphism, since it does not take an origin to an origin (i.e. it’s not injective).
Suppose is not surjective. Then there are points in which are not reached by .
Let . Then there are points in which have a distance of, say, from and which are still in . ?????
is just a vector space (possibly) unrelated to . Not to be confused with ‘s dual. ↩